
Clarity model-based testing primer

In the previous post you saw how Clarity contracts can be property-based tested in a reasonable way.

We wrote property-based tests for the contract (sup.clar) verifying that any given function works as expected.

sup.clar, by Kenny Rogers, can be found in the Introduction to Full-Stack Web3 Development with Stacks.

In this post we’re going one step further by verifying that any combination of functions defined in the contract works as expected.

This technique is known as model-based testing and has its origins in Haskell (QuickCheck) and later in Erlang (Quviq QuickCheck). The technique is described in this paper.

The system under test

The system under test in this post is the same as in the previous post. It allows you to write a utf8-encoded message in exchange for some STX fee. We call this the real system.

;; sup
;; Write a message in exchange for some STX fee.

;; constants
(define-constant receiver-address

;; data maps and vars
(define-data-var total-sups uint u0)
(define-map messages principal (string-utf8 500))

;; public functions
(define-read-only (get-sups)
  (var-get total-sups)

(define-read-only (get-message (who principal))
  (map-get? messages who)

(define-public (write-sup (message (string-utf8 500)) (price uint))
      (stx-transfer? price tx-sender receiver-address)
    ;; #[allow(unchecked_data)]
    (map-set messages tx-sender message)
    (var-set total-sups (+ (var-get total-sups) u1))
    (ok "Sup written successfully")

We will create now a TypeScript model and compare the execution of that model with that of the real system (contract). That is, TypeScript model vs the actual contract.

TypeScript model

Clarinet tests are essentially Deno tests hence the model will be written in TypeScript.

First make sure the basic imports are in place:

// @ts-nocheck
// https://github.com/dubzzz/fast-check/issues/2781

import { Clarinet, Tx, Chain, Account, types }
  from 'https://deno.land/x/clarinet@v0.27.0/index.ts';

import fc
  from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fast-check';

Then map the contract in TypeScript in the form of commands as defined in fast-check.


The write-sup function of the contract

Thus we define a WriteSupsCommand on the model to

class WriteSupsCommand implements fc.Command<Model, Real> {
  readonly who: Principal;
  readonly msg: Utf8;
  readonly fee: Uint;

  constructor(who: Principal, msg: Utf8, fee: Uint) {
    this.who = who;
    this.msg = msg;
    this.fee = fee;

  check(_: Readonly<Model>): bool {
    // Can always write a message in exchange for a STX fee.
    return true;

  run(m: Model, real: Real): void {
    const block = real.chain.mineBlock([
        'sup', 'write-sup', [this.msg.toString(), this.fee.toString()], this.who.asString())
    const actual = block.receipts[0].result;

      .expectAscii('Sup written successfully');
    m.messages[this.who] = this.msg;
    m.supCount = m.supCount + 1;

      `for Ӿ${this.fee.asString()}${this.msg.asString()}, by ${this.who.asString()}`);


The get-sups function of the contract

Thus we define a GetSupsCommand on the model to

class GetSupsCommand implements fc.Command<Model, Real> {
  readonly who: Principal;

  constructor(who: Principal) {
    this.who = who;

  check(_: Readonly<Model>): bool {
    // Can always check total-sups.
    return true;

  run(m: Model, real: Real): void {
    const msg = real.chain.callReadOnlyFn(
      'sup', 'get-sups', [], this.who.asString());
    const actual = msg.result;



The get-message function of the contract

Thus we define a GetMessageCommand on the model to

class GetMessageCommand implements fc.Command<Model, Real> {
  readonly who: Principal;

  constructor(who: Principal) {
    this.who = who;

  check(m: Readonly<Model>): bool {
    // Can get message if there is one.
    return m.messages[this.who] !== undefined;

  run(m: Model, real: Real): void {
    const msg = real.chain.callReadOnlyFn(
      'sup', 'get-message', [this.who.toString()], this.who.asString());
    const actual = msg.result;


Where is the state actually stored?

There are two custom types, one for the model and one the contract:

Model holds the state of the system under test.

type Model = {
  messages: Map<Principal, Utf8>,
  supCount: number

Real holds the state of the actual system that’s stored on the blockchain.

type Real = {
  chain: Chain

How TypeScript types map into Clarity types?

The commands reference some custom types. Principal, Utf8, and Uint, are all helpers for marshalling between Clarity and TypeScript.


class Principal {
  readonly value: string;

  constructor(value: string) {
    this.value = value;

  toString(): string {
    return types.principal(this.value);

  asString(): string {
    return this.value;

Sample output from REPL session:

> const principal =

> principal.toString();

> principal.asString();


class Utf8 {
  readonly value: string;

  constructor(value: string) {
    this.value = value;

  toString(): string {
    return types.utf8(this.value);

  asString(): string {
    return this.value;

Sample output from REPL session:

> const utf8 =
    new Utf8("Sup written successfully");

> utf8.toString();
'u"Sup written successfully"'

> utf8.asString();
"Sup written successfully"


class Uint {
  readonly value: number;

  constructor(value: number) {
    this.value = value;

  toString(): string {
    return types.uint(this.value);

  asString(): string {
    return this.value.toString();

Sample output from REPL session:

> const uint =
    new Uint(100);

> uint.toString();

> uint.asString();

Bringing it all together

  name: 'sup.clar stateful property-based testing',
  async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
    const commands = [
      // Create GetSupsCommand.
        .map(account =>
          new GetSupsCommand(
            new Principal(account.address))),

      // Create GetMessageCommand.
        .map(account =>
          new GetMessageCommand(
            new Principal(account.address))),

      // Create WriteSupsCommand.
          who: fc.constantFrom(...accounts.values()).map(account => account.address)
        , msg: fc.lorem()
        , fee: fc.integer(10, 99)
      }).map(r =>
          new WriteSupsCommand(
            new Principal(r.who), new Utf8(r.msg), new Uint(r.fee)))
    const model = {
      messages: new Map <Principal, Utf8>(),
      supCount: 0

      // Generate a random command sequence.
      fc.commands(commands, { size: '+1' }), (commands) => {
        const initialState = () => ({ model: model,  real: { chain: chain } });
        fc.modelRun(initialState, commands);
    }), { numRuns: 10 }); // Run `numRuns` times.

If we run clarinet test we can see whether the test passes or not. Here’s a sample output:

Running file:///.../sup/tests/sup_test.ts
for Ӿ91 ✎ pulvinar, by ST3NBRSFKX28FQ2ZJ1MAKX58HKHSDGNV5N7R21XCP
for Ӿ58 ✎ amet a enim integer adipiscing, by ST2REHHS5J3CERCRBEPMGH7921Q6PYK...
for Ӿ97 ✎ mauris nunc, by ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
for Ӿ63 ✎ eros scelerisque vitae massa massa, by ST2JHG361ZXG51QTKY2NQCVBPPR...
for Ӿ71 ✎ convallis adipiscing sodales, by ST2CY5V39NHDPWSXMW9QDT3HC3GD6Q6XX...
for Ӿ76 ✎ in varius cras ut, by ST2JHG361ZXG51QTKY2NQCVBPPRRE2KZB1HR05NNC
for Ӿ60 ✎ congue nulla libero, by ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
for Ӿ18 ✎ rutrum magna et justo, by ST3AM1A56AK2C1XAFJ4115ZSV26EB49BVQ10MGCS0
for Ӿ65 ✎ integer massa, by ST2REHHS5J3CERCRBEPMGH7921Q6PYKAADT7JP2VB
for Ӿ56 ✎ mauris mollis id rhoncus a, by STNHKEPYEPJ8ET55ZZ0M5A34J0R3N5FM2CM...
for Ӿ86 ✎ fermentum mollis vitae mi, by ST2JHG361ZXG51QTKY2NQCVBPPRRE2KZB1HR...
for Ӿ28 ✎ enim pellentesque, by STNHKEPYEPJ8ET55ZZ0M5A34J0R3N5FM2CMMMAZ6
for Ӿ48 ✎ ultrices nec sed justo, by ST2REHHS5J3CERCRBEPMGH7921Q6PYKAADT7JP2VB
for Ӿ11 ✎ fermentum in mauris, by ST3PF13W7Z0RRM42A8VZRVFQ75SV1K26RXEP8YGKJ
for Ӿ84 ✎ sollicitudin adipiscing ut, by ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2Z...
for Ӿ60 ✎ purus, by ST3PF13W7Z0RRM42A8VZRVFQ75SV1K26RXEP8YGKJ
for Ӿ75 ✎ orci ipsum pellentesque, by ST2CY5V39NHDPWSXMW9QDT3HC3GD6Q6XX4CFRK9AG
for Ӿ21 ✎ tempus quis non congue dolor, by ST2NEB84ASENDXKYGJPQW86YXQCEFEX2Z...
for Ӿ18 ✎ orci pellentesque lorem purus nulla, by STNHKEPYEPJ8ET55ZZ0M5A34J0...
for Ӿ63 ✎ aliquet suspendisse nunc, by ST2JHG361ZXG51QTKY2NQCVBPPRRE2KZB1HR0...
for Ӿ79 ✎ velit egestas, by ST3AM1A56AK2C1XAFJ4115ZSV26EB49BVQ10MGCS0
for Ӿ10 ✎ eu, by ST3PF13W7Z0RRM42A8VZRVFQ75SV1K26RXEP8YGKJ
for Ӿ95 ✎ sed pharetra metus quis vel, by ST3AM1A56AK2C1XAFJ4115ZSV26EB49BVQ...
* sup.clar stateful property-based testing ... ok (1013ms)

Get the source code on github.


If you are eager to see a similar example in Haskell Hedgehog, here’s a similar example of model-based testing between Haskell and C# I’ve worked on a few years back.