
Clarity syntax definitions for Sublime Texts

Sublime Text currently ships without Clarity syntax definitions. Here’s the process I followed to make my own .sublime-syntax files.



The syntax definitions for Clarity that I found online are maintained by Hiro, targeting VS Code and shipped as TextMate grammars.

1. Clone the reference syntax definitions:

git clone https://github.com/hirosystems/clarity-lsp
cd clarity-lsp
# Optionally, go to the exact same commit I used.
git checkout a1e2808e13a8c4de4993389eb409d7c359248bcd
cd editors/code/syntaxes
# We will be explicitly converting this afterwards.
rm clarity.tmLanguage.json

2. Convert clarity.yaml to clarity.json:

npm install js-yaml@4.1.0
# Convert:
#   yaml TextMate grammar ->
#   json TextMate grammar
npx js-yaml clarity.yaml > clarity.json

3. Convert clarity.json to clarity.tmLanguage:

# https://github.com/Togusa09/vscode-tmlanguage
code --install-extension Togusa09.tmlanguage
code clarity.json
# Then, use the 'Convert to tmLanguage File' command, save.

4. Convert clarity.tmLanguage to clarity.sublime-syntax:

subl clarity.tmLanguage
# Then, use the 'Convert Syntax to .syblime-syntax` command, save.

5. Define the file extensions this syntax should be used for. Add the following to clarity.sublime-syntax:

  - clar

For convenience, here’s the diff after adding it:

--- a/Data/Packages/User/clarity.sublime-syntax
+++ b/Data/Packages/User/clarity.sublime-syntax
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 # http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/syntax.html
 name: clarity
+  - clar
 scope: source.clar


Get clarity-sublime-syntax on github.